Contacting Information
N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez d´autres informations sur notre hébergement, nos service d´accompagnement à Lima et aussi sur nos excursions à l´interieur du Pérou !Arturo Yzaguirre (Lima, Perú)
Teléfono : (00-51-1) 996837785
Hotel information E-mail:
Hotel réservation E-mail:
Tours information:
Whatt App: +51 996837785
(Je suis joignable 24/7, prenez simplement en compte le fait que nous ayons 7h de décalage horaire.)Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further question about our hotel and our tour services!
Arturo Yzaguirre (Lima, Perú)
Telephone: (00-51-1) 996837785
Hotel information E-mail:
Tours information:
Whatt App: +51 996837785
(We can be reach out basically 24/7, please simply consider the time may delay the respond time.)
You can also reach us by WhatsApp at any time!!
Name: Arturo Yzaguirre
WhatsApp number: +51 996837785
Thank you for considering us, we are looking forward to hear form you!
Tours information:
Whatt App: +51 996837785
(Je suis joignable 24/7, prenez simplement en compte le fait que nous ayons 7h de décalage horaire.)Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further question about our hotel and our tour services!
Arturo Yzaguirre (Lima, Perú)
Telephone: (00-51-1) 996837785
Hotel information E-mail:
Tours information:
Whatt App: +51 996837785
(We can be reach out basically 24/7, please simply consider the time may delay the respond time.)
You can also reach us by WhatsApp at any time!!
Name: Arturo Yzaguirre
WhatsApp number: +51 996837785
Thank you for considering us, we are looking forward to hear form you!
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